Judge: Tufte, Mette E. M.
Croft's Play The Game VG in Intermediate class:
Stor, middels kraftig, av god type, velskåret hode, tilstrekkelig stopp, ok ører, god hals og overlinje. Ønsker mer forbryst, beveger seg med godt driv, enda løs i front. God pels og farge. Trenger mer trening for å bli mer tilgjengelig.
Judge: Stefanescu, Christian
Croft's Play The Game was 2nd. best 6-9 months bitch puppy:
Shown by Kjell Arvid Torgersen
Typical gen. apperance. A bit high on the leg. Exc. bones, eleg. neck. Normal backline and front rear ang. Quality coat. Good presented.
Judge: Ionescu, Augustin
Croft's Play The Game was 2nd. best 6-9 months bitch puppy:
Shown by Kjell Arvid Torgersen
Very nice puppy, good type, very good temp. Correct head with good eksp. Good posission of ears, good prop. of body. And very good movement. © Copyright